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The Martian

Production : Scott Free Productions, Kinberg Genre
Distributor : 20th Century Fox
Director : Ridley Scott
Casts : Matt Damon, Jessica Chastain, Kristen Wiig, Kate Mara
Duration : 141 minutes
Release date : October 2, 2015.

This film is adapted from the novel written by Andy Weir. It tells a story about an American astronaut, Mark Watney, as he becomes stranded all alone on Mars and must improvise anything around him in order for him to survive.

This film scored a stellar $55m to top the US box office on its debut this weekend. If next week The Martian keeps its number it can beat the 7 won out of 10 Academy Award Nominee, Gravity and become the new October record-holder.

This movie is another Ridley Scott’s masterpiece. Haven’t read the novel yet. But, lot of reviews said that this movie is better than the novel. Maybe, it’s right because this movie with a plot like this is very challenging to make the audience still stays on their seats. Matt Damon played as the lead while Jessica Chastain as the commander of the of the mission and Kate Mara acted as one of the astronaut while Kristen Wiig acted as NASA spokesperson.

Sometimes, The sound is a bit too creepy for certain scenes witch is unnecessary considering the tense were quite high in those scenes. The used of music in this film were effective especially Matt Damon keep making fun of the choice of music through the entire film. Even though Interstellar could make people cry and The Martian could not, this movie could make people feel good and laugh. Another masterpiece by Ridley Scott after Robin Hood.



Anna-Rose and Katyana are films reviewer.
Score: 88


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