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"Super Sport Extreme That Spur Incredibly Big Criminal Actions"

Production : Warner Bros Pictures
Director : Ericson Core
Casts : Luke Bracey, Edgar Ramirez, Teresa Palmer, Ray Winstone, Tobias Santelman, Delroy Lindo
Duration : 113 Minutes
Released Date : December 25, 2015

What's called an extreme sports? Climbing cliffs, steep mountain, surfing in a giant waves, freefall from the airplane, just everything that needs a great physical body and wonderful skills to graze the death. And this film started with the scene of two bikers who climbs the coral mountain of Venezuela and 'fly' to the mountain next door. Poor, Jeff went down to the cliff! The death of his friend makes Johnny Utah dissapeared. He went to a training to become an FBI agent.

And so there it goes big robbery cases that stir the world. Covey wearing the mask with former President's faces robbed the bank and steal diamond worth of one hundred million dollar! And again an airplane that brings one hundred million dollar is pirated in Mexico, and the money are being thrown from the sky to the poor people in Mumbai. All the executants are all gone with no trace by freefalling!

Utah suspects that they are people who's good at extreme sports. So he infiltrates to France, to blend in with the surfers when the giant waves coming. In here he met Bodhi who leads the death surfer covey; Angelo, Chowder, and Samsara. Utah merge in and gets acquinted with the sexy Samsara. He even come along to a luxurious yacht owns by an Arab billionare, Arab Al Fariq.

Their next action is to tear down a gold mine. For Bodhi, his criminal action is not for his efforts but for accomplishing the eight Ozaki's trial to honor the forces of nature and that someday will make him go to heaven. (unbelievable motivation, like the saying that if you’ve done suicide bombing you’ll go to heaven). That’s why Utah’s determined to stop Bodhi’s from his next mission whatever it takes!

This is the remake of a film that’s already been an action-thriller-classic, Point Break (1991) created by Kathryn Bigelow with the duet of the two stars Keanu Reeves-Patrick Swayze. Now the new Point Break is handled by Ericson Core who took the new stars Luke Bracey mixed with Edgar Ramirez.

Easy to admit, Bracey and Ramirez do not have the charisma as strong as Reeves (who’s at that time is still a young actor) and Swayze to play Utah and Bodhi, but the minus of the acting still can be patched with the braveness to play all the deathly scenes (who’s in this modern era looks very real through CGI like snow landslide or giant waves!)

Teresa Palmer trusted to play the mysterious girl Samsara, the other two members Angelo and Chowder played by Ray Winstone and Tobias Santelman, the United Emirates of Arab billionaire who funds Bodhi’s mission played by Nikolai Kinski, and actor Delroy Lindo played as the director of FBI who assigned Utah for the mission.

For the big fans of fast action films this film will be able to satisfied your hunger. Further more, for the first time a Hollywood film had its gala-premiere in Beijing, China! *** YaWi

Point : 70


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