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Mockingjay Part: 2 - Movie Review


“Does It Have To End That Way?"

Production : Color Force
Distributor : Lionsgate
Director : Francis Lawrence
Casts : Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth, Woody Harrelson, Elizabeth Banks, Julianne Moore, Philip Seymour Hoffman
Duration : 137 Minutes
Release Date : November 20, 2015

Realizing the stakes are no longer just for survival, Katniss Everdeen teams up with her closest friends, including Petta, Gale and Finnick for the ultimate mission. Together, they will try to take away the Capitol from President Snow who’s obsessed on destroying Katniss.

This movie is the last part of The Hunger Games series. Split into two parts, the second part was so much better even though it got some lacks here and there. The movie opens with Katniss, played by the Oscar winner Jennifer Lawrence, recovers after nearly being murdered by a brainwashed Peeta Mellark played by Josh Hutcherson. Liam Hemsworth and the rest of the cast plays their role quite well. Even the late Philip Seymour Hoffman still have some scenes in it. According to the director the shots was taken a couple of days before his death.


Jennifer Lawrence make this 'dark supposed to be teen movie’ alive or maybe for some people they just would like to watch this movie because there’s a J-Law factor in it, especially after the big mess in the first part of Mockingjay.

In this last movie Josh Hutcherson finally was able to take the audience’s heart, this might be his best performance in the whole series. For Liam Hemsworth, in this movie he was in a lot of scenes. Maybe this is his longest appearances in the whole series. The thing that catches our eyes besides J-Law performance is Jena Malone’s performance as Johanna Mason that looks so good, she’s supposed to have more scenes.

Francis Lawrence directed the part one and part two, as well The Hunger Games’s Catching Fire. Part two has lots of twists and some horror moments too, witch keeps us well-entertained. However, the ending scenes after all the tensions, are just too dark. Even after they give us the happy epilogue with such beautiful view, still as if there’s something missing in it. They suppose to present us with much stronger ending than what they gave us, because it’s the last film! It was supposed to be memorable and beautiful.

This film series supposed to be lighter as it was adapted from young-adult novels and they planned it to aim it to all young-adults audience. But it’s just too dark for this audience. The stories are gloomy, full of politics and propaganda. They could have made it lighter and more entertaining. From all The Hunger Games series, Garry Ross’s The Hunger Games is still the best.

Overall, if you’re a fan of J-Law or The Hunger Games series this film is worth to watch. (Anna-Rose)
Point: 70


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