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“A Long Way Home”


Production : See-Saw Films, Aquarius Films, Screen Australia, Sunstar Entertainment, Cross City, The Weinstein Company
Distributor : The Weinstein Company, Transmission Films, Entertainment Film Distributors
Director : Garth Davis
Casts : Sunny Pawar, Dev Patel, Rooney Mara, David Wenham, Nicole Kidman
Duration : 118 minutes

Saroo Brierley a five-year-old Indian boy gets lost on the street of Calcutta, thousand kilometers from his home. Faith takes him to be adopted by a couple in Australia. 20 years later he tries to find his lost family through Google Earth.

Based on Saroo Brierley’s memoir A Long Way Home. This film received Academy Award nomination for Best Adapted Screenplay with other five nominations. Played by Sunny Pawar as young Saroo and Dev Patel as adult Saroo and Nicole Kidman with David Wenham as the parents that adopted Saroo while Rooney Mara as Saroo’s love. This film is an Australian film directed by Garth Davis. What such a surprise is this film is his first feature film debut!

This 118 minutes-film has received 144.4 million dollars with 12 million dollars as its budget. Dev Patel who is famous for his role in Danny Boyle’s Slumdog Millionaire is showing his exceptional acting is this film with Sunny Pawar 8-year-old boy who we are very sure would be a big star with his first debut film he could show us he could act well knocking down 8.000 other kids that wanted the role of young Saroo! Nicole Kidman as always shows her strong presence too! At the end of the film they show us the real footages when Nicole’s character met Saroo’s mother is incredibly touching!

Since last year with Mad Max: Fury Road wins 6 out of 10 Academy Award nominations. We could say that we should put our eyes on Australian films. Lion can take us to the world of Saroo. He's struggled is being shown in the way of a kid who just wants to go home. The film is very touching. Hope to see more movies in the future with such a good message. This film is one of the most inspirational films of the year!
(Anna Rose)

Point: 90


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