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Kong: Skull Island

“Welcome to Skull Island”


Production : Legendary Pictures, Tencent Pictures
Distributor : Warner Bros. Pictures
Director : Jordan Vogt-Roberts
Casts : Tom Hiddleston, Samuel L. Jackson, John Goodman, Brie Larson, Jing Tian, Toby Kebbell, John Ortiz
Duration : 118 minutes

In the year of 1973, Captain James Conrad played by the charismatic Tom Hiddleston is recruited into an expedition to map out “Skull Island.” Together with Mason Weaver played by Academy Award winning actress Brie Larson as photojournalist and John Goodman as Bill Randa the one who is in charged for the expedition with Samuel L Jackson as Preston Packard, Lieutenant Colonel the leader to protect the group with his other US Army’s team.

Directed by Jordan Vogt-Roberts, this film will blow your mind with amazing pictures and effects that you could ever possibly imagine. The creatures are so beautiful and real. Set after the Vietnam war and music by Henry Jackman this film will tickle you with many old songs that would bring you back to the era. The twists also will give a ‘wow’ feeling. Even though the story is pretty cliche like any other adventure film, this film is one good entertainment for you to watch from the beginning till its end.

In some of the scenes, you’d feel like you are inside a video game! With good moves, weapons and music, you’ll feel the video games vibe! Tom Hiddleston can show us that he could be pretty charismatic different from his character as Loki in The Avengers while Samuel L. Jackson becomes one of the film’s villain well not entirely villain (he has his reasons) and Terry Notary as King Kong in the motion capture performance!

One thing for sure, the skull island is being shown as the beautiful but dangerous island. After you watch the film, you’d feel like you still wanna be in that adventure and you will because the studio is preparing Godzilla vs. Kong which set to be released on May 29, 2020! Guys, be prepared to be taken into a grand adventure! (Anna Rose)
Point: 88


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