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Production : Warner Bros. Pictures, Skydance Media, Electric Entertainment
Distributor : Warner Bros. Pictures
Director : Dean Devlin
Casts : Gerard Butler, Jim Sturgess, Abbie Cornish, Alexandra Maria Lara, Richard Schiff, Robert Sheehan, Daniel Wu, Eugenio Derbez, Ed Harris, Andy Garcia
Duration : 110 minutes

“What is Geostorm?”

When a network of satellites called “Dutch Boy” that was supposed to control climate change start to turn its way to attack the Earth, it’s a matter of saving the world from geostorm by racing with the clock. What city is next?

Gerard Butler took the lead in this sci-fi genre film. He is able to bring a nice and complicated man into the big screen. While Jim Sturgess played as Gerard’s character brother which on the other hand is a 360 degree different character than his brother. He too able to bring the genius, nerdy character to the screen. While Andy Garcia played as the President of United States. Abbey Cornish too was able to give that stunning aura to the screen. While Alexandra Maria Lara played as Gerard’s love interests. One that took the attention is Talitha Batema. This 16 year old girl proved she could steal the show while acting alongside Gerard Butler. Young actress to keep our eyes on!

This 4 year pending to be released film is the feature film directorial debut of Dean Devlin. Who’s famous for writing and producing Independence Day (1996). Now, he took the chair as director in this film. This film is good. The typical Hollywood film where it would take you up and down. Just like what other mainstream Hollywood film would do. Probably because of the fact that it was co-written by Dean Devlin which is famous for making a sci-fi film. The term typical Hollywood film means this film is fun to watch, yet just entertaining.

Another point to add is that this film put the climate change issue on board. But, probably is not too much of the portion. Which is quite sad. If they put this issue on a bigger portion, people could go out of the cinema with eyes open with this issue. They have the chance to do just that instead just becoming another mainstream Hollywood film. The sad scenes are also not too dramatizing, in which they could work more on it.

Overall, the film is nice. A sequel? Probably. If they suceedeed at the box office, even though looking at it’s first couple of days kinda promising for it to make it big. Anyway, if you have time and want to find something entertaining you should come and watch this film! It’s refreshing!
(Anna Rose)

Point: 75


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