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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows


“The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Are Back?"


Production : Nickelodeon Movies, Platinum Dunes, Gama Entertainment, Mednick Productions, Smithrowe Entertainment
Distributor : Paramount Pictures
Director : Dave Green
Casts : Megan Fox, Stephen Amell, Will Arnett, Brian Tee, Tyler Perry, Britanny Ishibashi, Laura Linney
Duration : 112 minutes
Released Date : June 3, 2016

 The story centers on four teenage mutant ninja turtles. Number one, Leonardo or usually called as Leo; the leader. Number two, Raphael, the biggest of the four. Number three, Donatello, the brain of the group and number four, Michelangelo, the funniest of them all. This movie is the sequel of its live action film on 2014 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The story follows a medicine called Purple Ooze, that can turn ordinary human into an animal mutant. This costs terrors to New York City citizens. Furthermore, this city is threatened by the coming of aliens from other dimension that will bring chaos to each person in the city and the four teenage mutant ninja turtles are back to help the city.

The first sequel on 2014 received 1 Golden Raspberry Award and 5 Nominations. It won Worst Supporting Actress for Megan Fox and 5 nominations; Worst Picture, Worst Prequel-Remake-Rip Off/Sequel, Worst Director, and Worst Screenplay. Well, that’s quite different from Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Awards that gave the movie 3 nominations; Favorite Movie Actress, Favorite Movie Actor and Favorite Movie. Maybe, that’s one of the reason they make a sequel from it. So, people expect more from its sequel, that has received (still growing though), $79.6 million from $135 million budget.

The only good thing about this movie is Megan Fox that reprised her role as April O’Neil. The rest of the movie, well you can say a total chaos.

The movie starts with the four ninja watching a basketball game and how they’re hiding. While Megan Fox, made a nice entrance having her unnoticeable with blonde wig and glasses and soon change her costume just in a second. This opening gives us hope that the movie would be nice. In fact, the ninja turtles doesn’t seem attractive at all. Even, for the fan of this characters since 1984, this movie just doesn’t give you what you want. The turtles were supposed to be more attractive. Because, they’re the center of the story. And if the audience doesn’t like the main characters then they're just gonna leave the studio as soon as possible. The lines in the movie try to be funny as well, and the bad characters Bebop and Rocksteady gives a silly performance that’s just make the audience instead of laughing, put a certain line on their forehead.

Advice, if you’re a fan of Ninja Turtles, you should watch this movie. But, if you’re not a fan or want to know, whether you'll be a fan or not after you watch this movie, you better go watch other movie or you’ll never want to watch any other Ninja Turtles live-action films! (Anna-Rose)

Point : 45


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