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Elham Madani:

Star of Humanity


Elham Madani was the director-producer , main writer, sound designer, editor, colorist of No Tomorrow Without Merci.



The Film Reporter interviewed  Elham Madani regarding her film "No Tomorrow Without Merci":

Q: What was your overall role?
I was Director-Producer , main writer and sound designer ,editor, colorist of my film.

Q: Did you always want to be in the film Industry?
There was something in me form child hood ,I started to love singing at age 2 and then I learnt different styles of dancing ,then acting and I climbed higher to learn story telling that ended me to Graduated two time in film school from Toronto and then in L.A

Q: Tell us how Your film evolved.
My films mostly has a message of peace, humanity , inspiration and brother sister hood

Q: Did you have any unusual difficulties during filming?
Yes, police forces just in middle of Shoots asked us to move area because of bomb threatening .I was not take it seriously and I wanted to continue ,But they stands and seriously asked us to leave. You know I raised in war time back home. For me it was another repeated story. My film was about War too. LOL
At 2 Am ,they let us to get back, while there was no one left there to work. I had to re crew and pay one more day for filming,
That cost me a lot of money and efforts to make all to come in a fixed other day, For me

Q: Will winning awards help promote the film? How so?
It is a short film. It will promote my general message as a film maker and I hope soon So many find me to join for greater films.

Q: How much money did it cost? Post production cost me a lot and distribution much more, Some thing around 20.000 $ so far.

Q: How did you finance that?
With saving pennies and pennies.

Q: Where were the locations?
L.A city college

Q: To what audience is your film suited?
It has a general message for every body, I have made it as though every one over age 5 can get and feel characters .Those who has loved their beloved in war But was my main concern is for all human kinds around the world.

Q: Any bites yet from distributors?
I hope I find some distributors because it is a great film ,different from others.A film has been made by a female film maker
With no financial support
I had to handle 80 % of post production myself because of lack of investors who were not bold for my story to be told
I am making another Anti –war film and then I have three short film with similar subject ready for the market .

Q: What was it like working with various sources?
How did you go about choosing who to interview? If you mean casting? It is like making a raw wood to a beautiful shaped wooden statue, Casting director was me and I had to shape my actors for sure .Because I am a good method actor I was able to do it ,while most directors have lack of acting experience and its why their film some times fails.

Q: What has the feedback been so far?
Depends on where.!
I expect more publicity for sure. Still so many does not know about a bout my films and works. But Festival people and INDONESIAN that were out host were great and I love to go and win in their film festivals again.

Q: Are you working on any new projects?
yes, I have a lot. One feature documentary One feature film Two more short films
And other documentary is about my works that will be ready by 2016
I love to work for other projects as director and co producer as well.


Q: Tell us about your own background. Where you were born? Where did you study film? What was your first movie? What was your previous job? Are you a full-time filmmaker?
I born in Iran, moved to India to became actress and get my PHD where my visa for immigration to Canada got ready and I had to leave India shortly to move for living in Canada while my aim was to come to USA after 5 years of studying and exploring and now I am here in Hollywood.
Back home I was high school teacher and tutor.
Now I am full time dedicated filmmaker

Q: what was your first award? And how did you feel at that time?
I GOT over 20 awards as Reciter of Holly Quran and translating it to English till I graduated university That time I decided to pursue seriously my long life

Q: What was the best part of the project?
When you satisfy watching your film ,knowing you got what you wanted to be in your film

Q: What was the most challenging?
SHORT time of making it to its best

Q: Are you pleased with the overall outcome?
I loved it to the way it is, Message of my film is so important for humanity.

Q: What are your hopes and dreams for the film?
I am hoping to make one more short related Anti-war subject and sell it to be able to have some money for next bigger project and I like investors-producers contact my company for making films together or I get direction role for other films.

Q: How long did it take to complete the film?
1 month pre production,2 days of shooting and one more months of post production

Q: How do you feel to have won awards in IFFPIE and WHA 2015?
I feel great. I spread news among my fans and they will happy. It was one of my happiest day of my life. To know there is still some who appreciate humanity filmmakers.

Q: What makes you a filmmaker?

Q: Why is this subject important to you?
To be a right strong bridge between East part of the world to west and Vise versa. To tell un told stories and be a director focusing on female problems more.

Q: Does this film send the message you intended?
Yes, I believe so and people said the same.

Q: Do most people just turn a blind eye when they hear of these issues?
Most professionals liked it. My films have serious stories and bald


Q: Why the title?
No Tomorrow without merci is my film tile and another one is coming is Sun is rising again..that has a great humanity subject. Bet you ,that one will be on big screen of so many countries. My feature film title is “Blue Butterfly” that is about to stop young women and daughters to be killed because of wrong belief and pride in their family in some part of the world.

Q: Advice to others who might like to follow in your footsteps?
They need to tell stories the move people’s heart and they have to connect with characters to be able to make those portray right.
In fact this is not for every one ,they need to be chosen to make this type of films. It is really hard.

Q: Is there anything in the past happened to you, that make you make this movie? If, yes, what is this?
WAR ,REVOLUTION ,Meeting people in need ,felling them and listening to good and bad people and choose whom you want to be.!
I choose to be a good one.!

Q: Is this a film that young people, college or high school students could benefit from?
YES, DEFINATLRY. Young generation need to know about past and decide about their present and future. They should know about other culture and religious as well.

Q: Do you personally know anyone who inspires the movie?
My teachers who always most helped and even one point was worth to me a lot. I used t be teacher for 18 years and I know without being critiqued you can not be successful.

Q: Has the film won any other awards?
Yes, Accolade, Excellence award, Best female film maker of the year

Q: Anything new to date on the film?
I am ready to make it to a feature film ,Just producers need to contact my company.

Q: Unique stories during the making of the film?
I have told you above ,another is one of my friends did not know we are filming and she was screaming in the yard for a long time of happiness. My film had a hard style that is one long take shot. Means there is no cut in the film. For post production I had to turn that scream to look like it is a part of film. That CHANGING really helped my film .

Q: What sacrifices did you make to become a filmmaker?
Leaving back home and missing home town and families,, My heart is beating but I feel safer as I can use freedom of speech right here more.

Q: How do you see yourself in the next 10 years?
I will be one of the most female filmmaker of world who change history of filmmaking and for sure Oscar winner as an example. I love to be have some organization and teach as well. I can be great to empower woman and also teaching actors and travel around the world to show my films and teach new filmmakers. I am in process of making few film festivals that you can hear from it through my company page or face book page Mightyvisionpictures.com.

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    © The Film Reporter 2013-2015