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Q: What are your hopes and dreams for the film?

I hope that WishMakers will continue to be shown not only at international film festivals but also within schools. Young people, especially, need to learn how to do for others regardless of age, gender, ethnicity and physical or mental handicaps. The individuals shown in the WishMakers are the ideal role models to teach this essential lesson.

Q: How long did it take to complete the film?
From the moment I walked in to the liquor store and was introduced to the Tulip wine until the time that the editing process was finished, WishMakers took about two years to complete.

Q: How do you feel to have won awards as Tolerance Woman of the Year 2016?
It was a distinct honor to have received the Woman of the Year Award.

Q: Why is this subject important to you?
My parents taught me through their actions that we all have a responsibility to do what we can to make a difference. For me, I chose to commit myself to challenging ignorance and prejudice through education…using every platform available…radio, TV, print, film and even personal storytelling. I have been privileged to work with others who are similarly committed.
Every day is an opportunity to listen, learn and engage. This awareness has taken me, a girl who grew up in a small town, to visit places beyond the borders of my imagination and meet with people…kings, queens, heads of state and policy makers who are in positions to promote tolerance, civility and respect within their countries and beyond. I have spoken twice from the podium to the United Nations General Assembly about the lessons still unlearned from the brutal horrors of the Holocaust as well as the vicious killings for blood diamonds. As such I have felt and continue to feel a compelling need to be an advocate for tolerance and share my diverse experiences with whomever I engage… in a continuing effort to help make a difference.

Q: Does this film send the message you intended?
I am privileged to be able to share a story that celebrates the divine "golden rule" as expressed by Moses in the Old Testament, "thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." The individuals shown in the WishMakers personify this ideal.

WishMakers is a story that provides a universal message of tolerance and communal responsibility. The residents of KfarTikvah and the Tulip winery family serve as reminders for each of us to give of ourselves and do for others.

Q: Do most people just turn a blind eye when they hear of these issues?
I do not think that people turn a blind eye. I do think that people are not frequently exposed to the core values of respect, dignity and compassion for one another. We live in a time when so many of the stories that are aired and shared on the multi media and social networking platforms focus on violence, intolerance, corruption and abuse.
I believe that it is important for films to be produced that promote compassion, hope and dignity for life.

Q: Why the title?
The title reflects the name of the special wine, WishMaker ,that the winery produces and whose profits are dedicated to granting the wish of a child fighting a life threatening disease.

Q: How many awards the film has won?
Thankfully, WishMakers has been well received and has won a number of awards.

Q: Are you working on any new projects?
There are several documentary projects that are in varying degrees of research and development. Each story that I choose to produce and direct I personally commit to research. I read the books and articles that are available before going forward to identify the key individuals to interview. I need to be as informed as possible in order to ask the questions to draw out the individual being interviewed on camera. Each project requires its own time to evolve.

Q: Can you share with us your new feature film? When will it start shooting?
I am thrilled to be a partner in a feature film that will begin shooting during the spring of 2017. For more information you will need to be patient and wait for the press release.



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