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“The Golden Rule: Do Unto Others…” Documentary Receives the 2024 Peace Film Award from Three Religious Institutions

“The Golden Rule: Do Unto Others…” documentary has received the 2024 Peace
Film Award from three prominent religious institutions: the Indonesian Ulema
Council Foundation, the Ecumenical Christian Evangelism Foundation, and the
Girinatha Hindu Foundation. With the presentation of the award, each institution
recognized the documentary as, “an important film that brings light and peace to the
world.” The award acknowledged the collaboration of the Visions of Peace Initiative
together with HQ Creative and Angel Pictures for co-producing the documentary
and recognized Princess Cheryl Halpern, Princess Natasha Dematra and Alex
Dolginko as co-directors.


Mr. Kakan Sukandin, representing the Indonesian Ulema Council Foundation,
stated, “ The film has a dedicated humanitarian mission to promote world peace by
teaching tolerance and the importance of how to love others as we love ourselves. I
highly appreciate this documentary. I hope that after watching this film, each of us
can behave more peacefully towards one another, both in our communities and in
our country, and help achieve more global peaceful coexistence.”

Princess Cheryl Halpern, a founder of the Visions of Peace Initiative and co-
producer and co-director of the film, explained the decision to commission this
documentary saying, “Tolerance, the willingness to accept behaviors and beliefs
different from your own, is crucial to achieving decency and respecting diversity.
Unfortunately, tolerance is not in the human genome. Tolerance must be taught to
our children. We need to provide the education and support to enable our children
to reject the intolerance, division, and extremism that they continuously face. This is
the mission of the Visions of Peace Initiative and the motivation for producing the

Princess Natasha Dematra, another founder of the Visions of Peace Initiative and
co-producer and co-director of this documentary, elaborated saying, “Through the
programs of the Visions of Peace Initiative, Indonesian youth are learning the
Golden Rule as a universal value of social decency and civility. This documentary
presents this core behavioral precept that is present in every religion. The Golden
Rule is an essential value that must be embraced in our world where violence,
prejudice, and injustice grow relentlessly.”
Since its establishment, the nonprofit Visions of Peace Initiative has been
committed to motivating young Indonesians, aged 5 to 18, to use their artistic
preferences to express their thoughts and share their perspectives on tolerance,
peace, and respect for humanity.


Schools, orphanages, and religious organizations, representing all religions and
ethnic denominations, have participated in more than 100 events and programs of
the Visions of Peace Initiative. By encouraging young people to express their vision
for peaceful coexistence through all art modalities, the Visions of Peace Initiative
has helped identify areas of alienation and distrust among the youth and has
nurtured a greater openness, frankness, and tolerance among participants.
Recognition of the success of the Visions of Peace Initiative's programs has come
with nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize.

In January, the Visions of Peace Initiative hosted the world premiere screening of
“The Golden Rule: Do Unto Others…”at the Cinepolis Cinema in Denpasar, Bali.
The film is a collaborative production between the award-winning American
production team HQ Creative, the award-winning Indonesian Angel Pictures, and
the Visions of Peace Initiative. This international production alliance is committed to
disseminating the important message of the “Golden Rule” globally in an unceasing
effort to promote a more peaceful and tolerant world.