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“The Golden Rule: Do Unto Others…” Documentary Receives Acclaim from Indonesian Notables


Since its initial screening in Bali in January and followed by its historic screening in Jakarta
at the Indonesian Parliament House, “The Golden Rule: Do Unto Others…” documentary has
been receiving meaningful accolades from leaders representing the religious, business,
diplomatic and cultural communities. Here is a small compilation of the thoughtful reviews
that have been made.

“The film is very good and has many messages to convey. Not just for one religion but for all
religions in the world because the Golden Rule exists in all religions. To achieve world peace, we as
Muslims must apply this Golden Rule to our religion as part of decency for all humanity and it is
very important for the Golden Rule to be taught in schools.” Dr. Yassir Mohamed Ali, Sudanese
Ambassador to Indonesia.

“I appreciate “The Golden Rule” film. It is truly extraordinary. It’s an important educational film for
me. There are many children here whose futures really need to be motivated with good
encouragements about religious tolerance. It’s essential. Here in Indonesia, religious harmony must
be firmly upheld with no discrimination. Here we each have our religious beliefs that we each hold.
This film indeed provides extraordinary education for our society, especially children who really
need to be educated about tolerance, for our togetherness and respect for religions. No one should
discriminate between our religions or beliefs. It’s all for our togetherness. Because indeed, from
where God is everything is the same. It’s only our beliefs that differ, depending on each of us.” Ratu
Anom, Queen of Banten.

“This is a humanitarian mission to achieve world peace. It must start from mutual tolerance. The
core of this is how we love others as much as we love ourselves. Therefore, it is extraordinary, and
I appreciate this connection with The Golden Rule. Hopefully, by following The Golden Rule, we
will certainly move towards world peace.”

Mr. Kakan Sukandin, Indonesian Ulema Council Foundation.
“In this film, every religion embraces, loves, and invites togetherness. So, hold firmly to your
religion. Do not become divided. Each religion in the homeland, and in the world, together united,
hand in hand, would see that this world is full of peace, tranquility, and comfort.” K.H. Ucup
Saputra, Moeslam Imam from Al Mati'in Islamic Boarding School.

“ The Golden Rule” film is extraordinary. This film is not only to educate us but also to guide us
because it teaches with love. In love, there is truth, and God Himself. The values of love are
patience, fortitude, honesty, tolerance, mutual respect, that is the content of love. Thus the core of
this film is understanding the spirit of truth. And we pray together, hoping with the meaning of the
title of this film, it can voice to society, that in this world there is a common value for peace,
harmony, tranquility, happiness to provide safety for the world. That’s what I think, the meaning of
this film.” Father Cosmas Maurema, Catholic Leader from Church of Queen Mary.

“The Golden Rule film is a film that I have watched many times, I want to learn what the meanings
are, and match them to myself. Wise words, words that have been around for a long time but have
never been presented together translated for us. This is so important now when we need tolerance.
Yesterday I was at the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia Senayan I watched,
and today at the Russian Embassy I watched. For me it is still not enough. Its value is very high for
our own souls.” BRAy Erna Santoso, Actress.

“I see the Golden Rule film contains a very positive meaning, because in every religion it is all the
same. It goes back to each person’s soul and how we apply it for the future so that the world is full
of peace. The question here is, how do you find religious figures? Because sharing from outside
people is definitely a bit difficult, there is this, there is that, how is the story of their journey.
Hopefully, from religious figures also support to apply love to each other all of us to live better,
positively. Let’s hold hands, help each other for the faith of everyone. Amen. So that God also helps
us. Amen.” KRA. Lilis Chandra Kirana, Businesswoman.

“I really appreciate the Golden Rule film with interviews from several religious figures, to express
that God is love. I as a Christian, in the word of God it says, God is love. God teaches each of his
people to love fellow human beings, love your God with all your heart, with all your mind, with all
your strength. And love your fellow human as yourself. So, we love God, the meaning of His love
we love fellow humans. Whoever He is, even though different views, different religions, we must
love each other. That I apply. And I see this film is very substantive and needs to be screened again
because indeed we need love. Beloved brothers and sisters, this film is a very good. film. My
appreciation.” Ricky Hosada, Filmmaker.

“In my opinion, the Golden Rule film provides inspiration for us to respect each other. Respect all
religious people, especially now in an era that can be said is not too religious. Teach the Golden
Rule starting with our children so that they in the future will apply it, and can behave themselves
according to the religious teachings of tolerance that exists in Indonesia.” Dewi Mutiara, Assistant
Director Russian Cultural Center.

“The Golden Rule in Hinduism is related to the sentence tat twam asi, which means that I am you
and you are me. So,we give respect to each other because even though God created us differently,
we must still appreciate our differences, so that tolerance is created. The essence of “The Golden
Rule” film is about the tolerance and the respect we need to give to our fellow human beings
regardless of their religious beliefs. All of humanity is indeed created by God. In response to God’s
love for humanity, we humans created various religions and beliefs. But, the essence is that we must
be respectful of each other in order to create peace in the world.” Wayan Wira Saputra, Hindu Priest
of Wira Dharma Samudra Temple.

“The Golden Rule” film is very good for all of us, for the older generation and including the
children, to emulate. In Indonesia, religion is varied, but we have one goal, tolerance. The
important thing for now to be applied to our children are the lessons of the Golden Rule and that
this tolerance is very necessary. Don’t be prejudiced because of religious differences. Tolerance
unites. The hope is that The Golden Rule will be taught to our children and grandchildren. So that
we can better tolerate each other in society.” Hj. Sumarni Padil, Politician.

“I think the Golden Rule film is a hope for the creation of world peace, if this film is shared as
much as possible. So, everyone who understands this film will be educated, creating hearts that
want peace. Thus, peace in the midst of this world will eventually be achieved. And that needs to be
the goal of all the religious leaders, and all the people in the world. Therefore, I urge you to share
this film as much as possible, Golden Rule. Thank you.” Pastor P.H. Happy Munthe, Christian
Leader from Protestant Cijantung Church.

The Visions of Peace Initiative, together with its partners, HQ Creative and Angel Pictures, is
committed to following Pastor P.H. Happy Munthe’s request that “The Golden Rule: Do Unto
Others…” be shared with as many audiences as possible both in Indonesia and globally. The ‘Peace
and Tolerance Film Tour’ which began in Jakarta will continue with screenings to be held in high
schools, universities, houses of worship and theaters. The Visions of Peace Initiative welcomes
requests for screenings and looks forward to providing opportunities accordingly.