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Music Film “Earth” Will Be Screened in UN Climate Change Conference

Music FIlm “Earth” would be screened at the UN Climate Change Conference in Marrakech, Marocco. This music film is a creative environment campaign that  is also the soundtrack of documentary film about the Minister of Environment and Forestry of Indonesia, Siti Nurbaya Bakar: Srikandi Pembawa Perubahan directed by Damien Dematra.

This short film is produced by World Environment Movement and directed by teenage director Natasha Dematra and was written by her and senior songwriter Abah Ukam.

This film brings strong message about the dangerous of global warming and environmental damage that is caused by human behaviour. Earth is expected could be the bridge to people who doesn’t care about environment and change their mind about the importance of nature.

Natasha hoped with this film could bring awareness to all generations that environmental problem is not one or two individual problem but it is a problem for all the people on Earth.

Marrakech UN Climate Change Conference was held in Marracco from 7th-18th of November. This event materialized as the first conference since the Paris Agreement reached on October 5 this year. This conference was attended by the UN Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon, UN officials, and other high-ranking world. Nearly 200 countries sent delegations. The Indonesian delegation was led by Minister of Environment and Forestry; Siti Nurbaya LHK Bakar.

Natasha Dematra herself is invited to the conference. But, because she the jury of film festival with the theme tolerance for nature she’s unable to attend the event.

“I feel really honored that “Earth” is going to be screened in Maracco. This shows that the campaign of environment through creative ways have produced evidence,” said Natasha Dematra who is also the Ambassador for Environment. “I hope many people would be inspired by this film.”

Recently, Natasha just finished her special course from Harvard University. The lesson she took was Humanitarian Response to Conflict and Disaster. This lesson said Natasha opened her eyes about how to handle social issues and the environment and how the UN deal with it. Certificate of Achievement she received on the basis of the value that qualified in the field.(TFR)


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