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IWE: Fighting Women's Rights Through Films

Natasha Dematra, the world record holder for the youngest female film director, launched the International Women Empowerment (IWE), a movement that supports gender equality by echoing women's rights such as menstruation, against child marriage and sexual harassment, and other women's empowerment issues. Natasha, who is also an artist and writer, said that film could be used creatively to echo this issue. Her recent short film PLANET 50-50 about the issue of gender equality, has won many international awards and managed to attract a lot of people's attention.

“The discrimination and stigma that I find in this modern era are what motivates me to make IWE. The young generations, no matter what gender they are, need to understand this issue to achieve gender equality,” said Natasha who has received more than 200 international and national awards.

Russian Ambassador to Indonesia, Mrs. Lyudmila Vorobieva showed her support and said that in Russia, women are perceived to be strong beings but, when women become successful, some men are just not ready to completely accept this reality. "This is where we must change, and see different views and countries to succeed in this issue."

"Emancipation of women is when a woman can reach her desires according to her abilities, where she is equal with men. Women also do not need to feel disgrace or ashamed. Lack of confidence is one aspect that many women feel," added Lily Wahid, female activist as well as the sister of Gus Dur, the 4th Republic of Indonesia President.

Cheryl Halpern, a director, and philanthropist from the United States, who also receive the Woman of Inspiration 2019 from a women international film festival, during the launch, said, “Women’s equality cannot be taken for granted. Whatever work a woman chooses, she has the capacity to achieve it, and that is a significant step forward.”

The series of the IWE starts in March, along with the celebration of International Women's Day, and initially was launched in Russian Cultural Center, Jakarta along with women activists, cultural figures and archipelago kings who were members of the National Gatherings of Nusantara Kings and Sultan (Silatnas). After that, IWE was launched at the Sirojul Munir Islamic Boarding School in Bekasi. Since March 30, the official portal IWE www.internationalwomenempowerment.com has been officially launched and can be accessed by the public.

Natasha hopes that this women's empowerment movement can be echoed not just throughout   Indonesia but also internationally, because the issue of gender equality is a significant issue.

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