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American Movie Win Big at the World Humanitarian Awards

(Bali, July 2017) World Humanitarian Awards, an international film festival specified in humanitarian theme commemorate the International Humanitarian Day. This year, the celebration was held in Kuta, Bali on July 12.

The World Humanitarian Awards was established to commemorate World Humanitarian Day initiated by the United Nations. The international day is celebrated every August 19th. On 19 August 2003, a brutal terrorist attacked the UN headquarters in Baghdad, and killed 22 people, including Sérgio Vieira de Mello, a senior Brazilian UN diplomat--a humanitarian fighter who had dedicated his life for humanity.

Some time ago, the juries of the World Humanitarian Awards announced the nomination of selected human-themed films, that has been tightly screened from dozens of films:
An Open Door: Holocaust Haven in the Philippines, directed by Noel Izon,
Divine Justice, directed by Alejandro Irías,
Quiet Please ... The Expanded Edition, directed by Jeffrey Scott Gould,
Shattered, directed by Yeeshai Gross, Matt Scott,
To Climb a Gold Mountain, directed by Alex M. Azmi, Rebecca Hu,
Two Zions: The Living Legacy of the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon, directed by Cheryl Halpern,
We are Heroes, directed by Juan Jaume Fernández.

During the Awards Ceremony night, the World Humanitarian Awards announced thatt the Festival proudly chose An Open Door: Holocaust Haven in the Philippines directed by the Philippines-American Noel Izon as the overall winner.

Damien Dematra, founder and director of the film festival, stated that the film is parallel with the vision of the World Humanitarian Awards, which mission this year was to put forward the anti-war mission-that is very damaging to the innocent civilians. The 78-minute documentary depicts stories of some distressing events before 1941, an era when more than 1300 European Jews sought to escape from the Holocaust catastrophe. Friendships between the Jewish and Filipinos become very intense from having sharing the misery, love, and the significant desires of freedom.

The red-carpeted Awards Ceremony was conducted with magnificence and solemnity, and inaugurated by King Tallo, Haji Abdul Rauf Maro Andi Marewa Daeng (Karaeng Rewa) Sultanate Tallo, Makassar. The glorious night was also attended by the kings and queens of Indonesian kingdoms, among others, Chairman of Council of Indigenous Culture Kraton Nusantara, Sri Anglung Prabu Punta Djajanagara Cakrabumi Girinata Raja Keraton Amarta Bumi Kendal, Semarang, Sultan Indra A. Disman Sultanate Indrapura South Coast West Sumatra, Ir. Kph. R. Indra Sahdan Commander of the West Coastal War of Indrapura, Ir. Anak Agung Ngurah Putra Darma Nuraga Penglingsir Puri Agung Pemecutan, Badung, Empress Kanjeng Ratu Dinar Retno Djenoli, Queen I. Gusti Ayu Rai, and others.

In his opening speech, King Tallo Karaeng Rewa gave appreciation to this festival, commenting that in this year, the Festival has become more spirited and festive. He also stated the intention of making a film about the Indonesian kingdoms. The senior king has a global vision for the Indonesian kings to embrace the world in peace and harmony by meeting with other kings, from various part of the world.

The King of Kendal Semarang, Sri Anglung Prabu Punta Djajanagara, congratulated the winners of the festival and said that the procurement of humanitarian-themed film festival, in fact, carried the essential spirit of human values.

World Humanitarian Awards is a festival under the wing of the Film Festivals Alliance. For this event and Gala Dinner, the Festival also works together with other international film festivals: Bali Film Awards, Asia Pacific International Filmmaker Festival & Awards, World Peace Awards, For a Cause Film Festival, the World Anti-Discrimination Awards, and Documentary & Short International Movie Award. This event also receive a full support from the People's Creative Council (DKR), World Film Council, i-Hebat International Volunteers, and the Indonesian Radio Republic as media partner.


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