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5 Best Film Festival Submission Platforms

1. FilmFreeway
This festival platform might be the most popular between all. Launched in 2014 by Zachary Jones this festival platform has grown into a huge one! Starting from modern features and easy to use. 14 hours younger than WIthoutabox. This platform is still ahead of any other festival platform! With 5057 film festivals from around the world; can’t wait what’s next for FilmFreeway. Filmmakers and Festivals love this platform!

2. Withoutabox
We could say that Withoutabox is the eldest of all other festival platforms. Founded in 2000 by David Straus, Joe Neulight, and Charles Neulight and owned by IMDb, Withoutabox’s name will always be heard inside the film industry. They are the market leader. But, lately FilmFreeway has dominated the film submission platform industry, and Withoutabox dominance has significantly decreased.

3. Film Festivals Alliance
Film Festival Alliance founded in 2011 might be new to some. But, this platform is one of the most innovative so far beating Click For Festivals and Festhome on the list. They offer the money back guarantee to films that have submitted but doesn’t get accepted. This never been done in any other festivals platform. We’re sure this platform would be on your list to submit films. Besides, nothing to lose right?

4. Festhome
Founded in 2012 in London this one is a great platform to discover great films & festivals. Working together with Academy Award, European Film Award, BAFTA with 42000 films are selected by Festhome. Good design, clean view, easy to use Festhome is one that every producers and filmmaker should put their film on!

5. Click For Festivals
Click For Festival founded in Madrid is quite going strong with Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sports helping them. Connecting Films and Festivals around the world is their biggest mission. Even though some complaint about the not so good display, Click worth to try and good to communicate with. Try this and prove whether we are wrong to put this platform on our list!


Related links:

  • It Takes an Iron Resolve to Make an Independent Film Production Happen

  • Film Financing - Can Film Graduates Take the Challenge?

  • Essential Film Marketing - How to Generate Massive Interest and PR For Your Film on No Budget!

  • Piracy and the Future of the Film Industry

  • The Appeal of Investing in Films

  • Indie Film Financing and Movie Distribution - Dancing Nude

  • True Independent Film - The Iconographer Goes Back to Indie Film Roots With Film Maker Andy Mingo
