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World Environment Movement Launched by 3 Ministers of Indonesia Together with 11 Countries

Launched of the World Environment Movement

(09/16) World Environment Movement, a social movement, officially launched on the eve of the summit International Film Festival for Peace, Inspiration and Equality. Minister of Environment and Forestry, Siti Nurbaya Bakar, Minister of Communications and Information Technology, Rudiantara, Minister of Public Works and Housing, Basuki Hadimuljono, Mrs. Lily Wahid, kings and queens from the archipelago of Indonesia, international filmmakers, Indonesian top leading artists, activists, and humanists launch the movement together.

World Environment Movement is a social movement aimed to create public awareness about the importance of healthy and nurtured environment for humanity and peace, for there is no peace without humanity and environment, and vice versa.

Minister of Environment and Forests said that Indonesia should take the leading position in the campaign of environment, also take this problem very serious. All parties, especially media and the creative world are spearheading to build this awareness.

Minister of Public Works and Housing People, who was pleased to be part of the event, said that it is very important to keep the environment in a good and nurtured condition.

During the same event, Rudiantara, the Minister of Communications and Information Technology of Indonesia, congratulates the winning filmmakers who received the award at the International Film Festivals celebrated by the Ministry of Environment and Forests (KLHK) carrying the theme "Environment for Peace and Humanity".

Shinya Watanabe of Japan, a museum curator and artist film, gives appreciation for Indonesia's initiative in the Environment Movement. This was strengthened after Shinya, who is currently domiciled in Germany visited the Museum Ministry of Environment and Forestry with other colleagues from 11 countries.

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