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The Nomination of Filmmaker of the Year Is Announced in Jakarta

Filmmakers of the Year Awards Ceremony year 2015
All films from all over the world are back to compete in Indonesia through a prestigious festival, Filmmaker of The Year. In its third year FOTY the usual name of Filmmaker of The Year that has received 320 films from many various parts of the world to compete for the title Best Film Title. This festival itself is an international film festival that is focusing on finding the Best Film.

Here are the nominees of Best Film FOTY 2016:

96 SOULS, directed by Stanley Jacobs
Fake It, directed by Tzurit Hartzion
Solitude, directed by Michael Raso
The Very Private Work of Sister K, directed by Johan Liedgren
A Roar of Wolf Troops, directed by Zhang Xinwu

Stanley Jacobs’s, 96 SOULS is an 112 minutes film that tells a fiction story about a university research scientist, about to lose funding and status, has a lab accident and discovers he can see people's true intentions.

While Fake It directed by Israeli director Tzurit Hartzion is a short film length 24 minutes. And a film directed by Michael Raso, Jonan Leidgren and Zhang Xinwu adds the list to compete for Best Film of FOTY 2016.

All the juries are working so hard to find who deserves the title of Best Film this year. The winner will be announced in the middle of November celebrating the World Tolerance Day in Bali and Jakarta.

This festival is held with People’s Creative Council, iHebat International Volunteers, World Film Council, and Radio Republic of Indonesia (RRI) as media partner and organizer. (TFR)

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