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Directors Awards is Back in Indonesia



All foreign filmmakers would be back in Indonesia to compete for Best Film in an international film festival, Directors Awards. DIRA, its usual name has received 250 films since the festival opens its submission last year. This festival focuses on finding the Best Film through the director's eyes.

Here are the nominees for Best Film of DIRA 2016:
Crude, directed by Sion Ribeiro Joseph
Fill in the Blanks (Texte a Trous), directed by Chloé Marçais
Krusing America, directed by Linda Kruse
The Eve, directed by Luca Machnich

A Qatar film, Crude, directed by Sion Ribeiro Jospeh compete with a short film directed by Chloe Marcais that tells a story about a man in a laundry place that heard two women talks. This film is a comedy film mixed with a good directing from the director. While The Eve directed by Luca Machnich is back to compete with the other 4 films. Good directing that’s able to make the audience feel the feeling of the film and good acting makes Luca deserved its place in this list. While Linda Kruse from America, director of Krusing America competes her film in this prestigious list of nominees.

The winner will be announced in the middle of November celebrating the World Tolerance Day in Bali and Jakarta.

This festival is held with People’s Creative Council, iHebat International Volunteers, World Film Council, and Radio Republic of Indonesia (RRI) as media partner and organizer.


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