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The Winning Filmmakers Train High School Students

(Bekasi, 11/17/15) One day after the Awards Ceremony of International Film Festival for Spirituality, Religion, and Visionary (IFFSRV) and Filmmakers of the Year Film Festival which was held in the Main Auditorium of RRI as part of World Tolerance Day celebration on November 16, 2015, the winning filmmakers share their knowledge about filmmaking to a crowd of High School students from SMA 7 of Bekasi region, 2 hours drive from Jakarta.

The school vice chairman Mr. Minardi said that he is very excited to welcome all the international filmmakers that would willingly train his students at the school from 10th, 11th and 12th grade.

I hope we will have a lot more events like this and that there would be more High Schools where we can come to teach them about filmmaking. I also hope that this kind of events will inspire young generations to get interested in filmmaking and will make good films with inspirational theme.” said Damien Dematra as founder and director of International Film Festivals Group during the event at High School 7 of Bekasi.

The filmmakers who was involved in this project are: Judith Morrow, a Canadian film director of documentary film The Healing of Heather Garden, Richard Wells from USA, young filmmaker from Thailand: Napat Tangsanga and the director of Tears of Harmony Farookh Naghdipour.

This festival was held by the Indonesian People’s Creative Council, iHebat International Volunteers, The University of Indonesia, Care for Children Foundation, World Film Council, several High Schools and Radio Republic of Indonesia (RRI) as media partner and organiser.

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