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IPAMA combines Performing Arts & Movie Awards Held in Jakarta.


(11/10/15) Hundreds of good films from all over the world will compete in Jakarta, Indonesia in International Performing Arts and Movie Awards (IPAMA). IPAMA is an international film festival that held in Jakarta and received films with performing arts as its main theme. However the festival also accept movies with general theme. This festival is probably the first festival in the world that mixed performing arts and movie awards in one.

The Nominations of films that would compete for Best Film in IPAMA are :

Escapes directed by Mercedes Gaspar
Live directed by Vlad Paunescu
Mammary Gland Malfunction directed by Robyn Laliberte
The Carsony Brothers - From Vienna to Las Vegas directed by Barbara Weissenbeck
The Golds directed by Sue Healey

This 5 films was selected among hundreds of submissions. All of this film has its own unique theme and beauty. The Golds directed by Sue Healey took performing arts as its main theme with incredibly-good dances. For short-film Mammary Gland Malfunction directed by Robyn Laliberte took comedy as its main theme.

“It’s going to be really tough to choose the Best Film. All of these films are equally strong and each of them has already received many awards from all over the world” said Virda Ang from IPAMA selection board.
This festival are held with support from iHebat International Volunteers, The University of Indonesia, Care for Children Foundation, World Film Council, several High School and Radio Republic of Indonesia (RRI) as media partner and organiser.

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