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Films From All Over The World Celebrates World Tolerance Day In IFFSRV Jakarta

(11/13/15) International Film Festival for Spirituality, Religion, and Visionary (IFFSRV) was again held for the third year. The festival brings the theme of spirituality, religion and visionary in celebrating the United Nations International Day for Tolerance on November 16. It's Awards Ceremony in Jakarta would be attended by producers, directors, artists, public figures, government officials and high class society coming from 20 countries.


This festival works together with other International Festivals: Filmmakers Of The Year Film Festival (FOTY), International Film Festival for Documentary, Short and Comedy (IFFDSC), International Performing Arts and Movie Awards (IPAMA) and International Students and Newcomer Movie Awards (ISENMA).

10 Film was nominated for Best Film of IFFSRV 2015. The Nominations for Best Film was announced today:
Ailia directed by Sameh Salem
Earthbound directed by Robin Shou
Eclipse directed by Gail Harvey
Gen A directed by Napat Tangsanga
From Master to Apprentice (De Maestro a Alumno) directed by Sabino Alva Pulido
The Burning House directed by Dennis Kuhnel and Josephine Ehlert
The Great Thirst directed by Delphine Piperni
The Peace Experience directed by Jason Whisman
The Secret Ingredient directed by Dror Shostak
Pilgrimage directed by Mariel McEwan

Damien Dematra as the founder and director of IFFSRV said that hundreds of films brings the theme of tolerance this year. It shows that there are still a lot of people who truly cares about tolerance in the world and would like to show it through film. Damien also hope that this festival will inspire filmmakers from all over the world to make films with tolerance and humanity issues.

“Tolerance feels so little right now. Especially as time goes by there is a lot of violence in the world in the name of religion just like what had just happened in Paris. I hope this festival will bring the message about how important tolerance is to the people all over the world.” said Natasha Dematra as the Ambassador for Tolerance.

And as what the sectretary general of People’s Creative Council Dedeh Kurniasih says, this festival are held with the support from iHebat International Volunteers, The University of Indonesia, Care for Children Foundation, World Film Council, several High Schools and Radio Republic of Indonesia (RRI) as media partner and organiser.

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