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King of Tallo Gives Award to WFA Winners

King of Tallo from the Tallo Kingdom gives award to World Film Awards winners on Monday, June 30th in Planet Hollywood, Jakarta. The filmmakers were honoured by this award not just because they receive it, but they receive it from King of Tallo, one of the powerful kingdom in Indonesia. “I feel very blessed to be here, on this event. I hope with me being here, all the filmmakers can know more about Indonesia and promote it outside the country”, said the King.

Robin Shou who’s famous for his role as Liu Kang in Mortal Kombat, now turns director, directed a movie called Earthbound and received Special Jury Award and Platinum Award. While The Eve directed by Luca Machnich and Waiting for John directed by Jessica Sherry are the joint winner of the festival as Best Picture.

This year the juries chose two films to receive the title of Best Film. Both of the chosen film are the best and the juries can’t chose one of them and decide to chose them both. The Eve itself tells a story about a boy named Simon and when Santa pays him a visit, while Waiting for John is a documentary about the story of America's extraordinary impact on one remote island in the South Pacific and explores the last surviving Cargo Cult, the John Frum Movement.

The filmmakers that attended this event including Carlo Jay O. Cuevas (director), Dennis Garcia (actor), Citedina Zarate, Carlos Tabunda and Junaib Daud, the team behind the film No Second Take and Angelica Orlina, the director of Where The Light Settles. Megan Rohrer also received Medal of Tolerance directly from the King.

According to Lily Wahid, (the Advisor of People’s Creative Council) this festival is supported by People’s Creative Council, Russian Culture Centre, World Film Council, i-Hebat International Volunteers, Care Children Foundation, Cinema XXI, and Radio Republic of Indonesia as the media partner. (AR)


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