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Australian Short Won APIFA Platinum

Australian Short Film The Ravens has won an Asian Pacific Platinum Award in the Short Film Category at the Asia Pacific International Filmmaker Festival and Awards 2016. 

Written and directed by Jennifer Perrott, The Ravens is a poignant and tender film about an Australian soldier struggling to return to family life after war. Told through the eyes of his young daughter, this story looks at the challenges facing soldiers returning from war coping with trauma and the effects on their families.

The Australian Embassy is pleased to support Jennifer Perrott’s participation at the Asia Pacific International Filmmakers Festival and Awards.  Jennifer has written and directed two award-winning short films – Breathe and A Matter of Life (an award winning Tropfest film), and Flight. All have been received with acclaim at international festivals.

Whilst in Jakarta, Jennifer conducted a Master Class on Monday 30 May as part of the Festival’s Program and will attend the screening of The Ravens at 5.30 pm, Thursday 2 June at the Russian Cultural Centre, Jakarta,  Diponegoro Street no.12

To attend the screening please register at cultural.jakarta@dfat.gov.au  by 4.00pm Wednesday 1 June.  Seats are limited. See the movie trailer.

The Ravens is hoped to raise awareness of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and depression.

More information about The Ravens  http://www.theravens.com.au/

Source: Media release Australian Embassy


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