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Photography Exhibition By Young Filmmaker Turns Photographer

Natasha Dematra launched her first photography exhibition. This exhibition was made to promote the beauty of Indonesia to the world after the attacked that happen in Jakarta on Thursday, 14th of January. “I feel like these things are very important because of the attack that happened yesterday. The tourism in Indonesia are threatened. I wan to show to the world that the attack would not influence the tourists to cancel their trip to Indonesia.” said Natasha Dematra.

This exhibition was conducted in the auditorium of Radio Republic of Indonesia (RRI) working together with International Film and Photography Festival who are attended by international filmmakers.

Jogjakarta, Bali and Jakarta are chosen as the main subject for this exhibition because this three destinations is Indonesia’s most popular places to visit.

Some of the photos that were exhibited are “Working On The Roof”. This photo is a shot of a man working hard alone on the roof but still aware not to fall from it. And then "The Waves” shows the beauty of Bali’s ocean mixed with a touch of infrared and abstract. “Tumbling Down” is a shot of a tourist while surfing but have to fall in the middle of it and “Ray Of Lights” which mixed the colour of infrared with the lights that are reflected from the sun. “Three Gondolas” is a shot of three gondolas in the middle of the big ocean of Bali with the strong colour of black and white. This photo is planned to be exhibited again in Bali on February. According to Natasha Dematra all the money that comes from the selling of this photos will be donated for social activities. This exhibition was attended by celebrities such as Dorce Gamalama, Erna Santoso, Roro Fitria, journalists and high society.

Natasha herself is known to have received more than 100 awards to date such as the youngest film director in the world by Museum Rekor Dunia-MURI and Royal World Records. On her acting career she has received dozens of awards of Best Actress for her role in I’M Star, Dream Obama, Let’s Play Ghost, Tears of Ghost. As a singer she has received the title of Most Favorite Singer from Global Music Awards 2015 and was invited to perform in The Covey Centre in the U.S.

Related links:

  • The List of Nominations For International Film and Photography Festival (IFPF) 2015

  • The Nominations for World Documentary Awards Are Announced Today In Jakarta
