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Film Festival Celebrating Human Rights Day


(Bali, 14/1/17) World Human Rights Awards was held again in Indonesia. After in 2016, was held in Jakarta, this international film festival chose Bali as the place for the Awards Ceremony to all directors who cares about human rights. Damien Dematra as the founder and director of the festival, said that, this festival was made to inspire the world because out there, there are still a lot of people who cares about human rights and want to fight for it through something creative even though their work are not recognized yet by the world or not appreciated at all. This festival is hoped to be the stage to all directors and activists for human rights.

Human Rights day itself was initiated by the United Nations to remember the universal declaration of Human Rights. This year, as quoted from the United Nation website, Human Rights Day calls on everyone to stand up for someone's rights! Disrespect for basic human rights continues to be widespread in all parts of the globe. Extremist movements subject people to horrific violence. Messages of intolerance and hatred prey on our fears. Human values are under attack. Director Damien Dematra added that, no matter how small what we do for human rights, if do it together and keep going, will make a big difference for humanity. That’s why this film festival is really important.

Human Rights Ambassador, Natasha Dematra highlights the Human Rights Day through the eyes of children. She said that a free-drugs environment is part of the human rights for children. The fact that now drugs has spread to schools through candy, as what has been said by the National Narcotics Agency, has threatened the Indonesian children. As a nation, we all has to unite to fight this drugs problem for the good of the nation, said Natasha who just got 5 nominations from one of the prestigious festivals in London.

Women's rights were also highlighted in this festival through music film screening of  “I Will Survive” directed by teen Natasha Dematra (18). Although the film does not come raced in the festival to avoid conflicts of interest, but the music film directed by the world record holder for youngest female director in this world able to make foreign filmmakers in attendance to cry.

In addition, the rights of disabled children who are still undervalued in society have special salience. This is depicted by the film Wishmakers from the United States directed by Cheryl Halpern, who raised the issue of the struggle of children with disabilities who do not want to be perceived as a 'burden' to society because of their limitations.

The festival itself takes place from January 14 until January 17, 2017. In this event also attended the work of filmmakers from India, Lavlin Thadani, with the film Maulana Azad, the Indian Nationalist who took the story of the struggle of a nationalist hero who fought alongside Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru. Then director from Sloakia, Lubomir Viluda and Ivan Krsiak with the film “Seven Sins of Civilization” who took portraits of migrants' human rights. Then director from Latin America, Lucia Barata with the film Yellow River that takes the viewpoint of human rights of the life of a girl who had been abandoned by her father.

Hundreds of films from around the world, enliven the festival and the winners will be announced in the near future. World Human Rights Award in collaboration with the World Documentary Awards, International Film and Photography Festival, Cinema Grand Prix, World Pluralism, International Performing Arts & Movie Awards and Royal World Prize & Records. And supported by the Council of the People Creative (DKR), World Film Council, Film Festivals Alliance and Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) as media partner.


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